Sunday, July 10, 2011

Declaration of war.

[This is my first work of fiction here.]

[I'm not really sure where the inspiration for this story came from. The whole idea is that a leader of a tormented nation finally decides to take action and sends his armies to war. When I was thinking/designing this story the images that came to mind were of a bunch of tanks speeding through the desert night in a company wedge formation with troop carriers following behind. I pictured the crew of one tank, grim faced, anxious listening to the declaration over the radio. I also saw Troops marching on either side of a highway, rifles in hand walking to the horizen as jeeps and other assorted vehicles drive down the road between them. I saw Police and armed civilians patrolling residential blocks determined to defend their loved ones and homes should the night fail.

It was a moving thought that I finally decided to put down on digits for you. I hope you like it]

Once again this is a countries leader speaking to his people and soldier as they go to war.

" Several years ago this beautiful nation was invaded, The enemy came to us in the night and using the darkness was succesful in dividing our small piece of the world. The mauraders took half our nation from us and during the defense, we settled in,reeling we fended of the invaders losing half the country.

Determined to continue life we accepted this new life. You, my brave people have pushed on to rebuild the loss of war and we were sucessful. But the new border was not enough for the enemy.

Over the years the enemy has been coming across our borders, stealing into the night. Raiding our cities, Attacking our people, police and armies.Harrasing attacks over time has begun to errode our new way of life like cement over a sunflower, smothering, conquering.

This is where I have failed you. I have only ever allowed our forces to drive off the mauraders. I have never allowed our men to cross the border. I have believed way too much in our new boundries that I have let the meanace in the night steal from us, to take our dignaty and life from us at no cost to them. I have spent too long allowing those who took from us to trample us.

Today with a heavy heart I have ordered a counter-attack.we will not only push the raiders back across their own border but we will invade their county. When we drive them to the heart of their new nation, we will stop, for we have shown them our border.Then we will return home to man our own lines.

There can be no true winner in this war.this war will be fought in our cites, in our homes and we will have to rebuild. even if we are sucessfull new challenges will arise. Putting our little nation back together will be our first priority and it will require a lot of work that I believe we are up to the task.

If we should fail, If we should not win the night, if our sons and daughters are stopped cold, remember this; That we have all stood together hand in hand and drew a line in the sand and shouted to the maurders in the night " ENOUGH!!! THE LINE IS HERE!!!" No longer will we worry about the fate of our children. We will have shown the enemy that we are no longer "free' that to have done this will have cost something. The enemy will remember our sweat, our tears and our blood. If we are conquered then the surviviors will remember the price of freedom and that even in losing somethings are definitely worth the cost.

My people, even a sunflower can break concrete to survive, to show the world above its pretty bloom. I believe that we can win the day or Vanish into the night trying.

Pray my people and I will see you in the new dawn..."


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A legend in my spare time.

Many, Many moons ago in a much different time here in Abq,NM a skate shop called "The Junkyard" opened up. The shop opened up in Cottonwood mall, the latest of malls to open here. The skating Community was all abuzz with this knowledge, that and the fact that the shop was accepting videos for A,B and Flow sponsorship. ANYBOHDY Projects was busy cranking out videos for all these kids not to mention our own team members to give out.

Well ashamedly I was one of those persons with my sights set on the limelight. I mean come on, it was every skaters dream to get on a team. I could see my self going places with this. I got my Teammates to film me and I cranked out a good video. Well at least I liked it. Finally sucking it up I marched into the store and handed them my Video.

Well I didnt make it. I'm not really sure why. Possible that I wasn't good enough or even cool enough. So after recieving the news I went to Carrows where alot of people hung out. I was drinkin my usual coke when something peculiar happened.

Now if anything "peculiar" happened at Carrows it was ussually Flint's doing. This time was no exception. Flint came charging into the smoking section[shows how long ago it was] carrying his board and with his Backpack known as "Jerry". He ran to my usual table sat down and produced a ciggarette, lit it and as he blew out the smoke of his first drag he said to me "Tony, you could never be sponsored..."

Ok, That was an immediate kick in the nuts. I sat there in disbelief staring at Flint as he took his second drag and as he blew out the smoke he said to me..

"You are not a big enough of an asshole to be sponsored!.."

When he finished he sat there looking me in the eyes, smiling as he flicked his ashes into the ashtray. All I managed was..


With a bigger smile he went on to explain that if I had been sponsored all the fun would stop. Me and Flint, hell the rest of the PROJECTS were local heros not because of status or sponsorship but because we upheld the idea of skating. We would rule all the obstacles beneath all professional and sponsored skaters. It was what we thrived on. Flint said that if I got sponsored we would be above all the little obstacles and spots that made us.

There was a lot of debate as to why I never went pro and in the end it was Flint. That day when he ran up, he made me realize that not everything is meant to be. I wanted to be Pro like it was everyones dream but in reality all I wanted to do was skate. After that day I took skating to a different level. I continued to skate but it took a different priortiy as it officially became a pastime for me. The next day as I skated, It was like I was above the pro's as my beloved sport was not a bread winner. I could still feel the Impact my skating had on people. I had become a legend in my spare time.


Monday, July 4, 2011

The End of the Circle.

So a long time ago I heard my aunt refering to the end of the circle and that it is time to start a new one. Well a circle has just ended for me. Shes gone, left, packed up and followed her boyfriend to points east. once again she has found someone to pay for her and to give her the things she wants. I hope she finds happiness and all the things she wants out there. Its funny as she started acting like when she first left me again a few months ago, It confused the hell outta me. Then she asked for a meeting with me and after all business was taken care of she got upset that I left without talking to her. she was wearing make up.

I dont really suppose thats what matters. I suppose one of us had to be able to trot though life carefree after the divorce. All I wanted was my son. I remember the intense sorrow, pain and depression that led to the "Emo" man before you. How much has changed? and at what cost? My son and me have been through a lot for nothing. For a completely absurd reason our lives have been jumbled and forever changed.

The problem with the end of the circle is this, Does a circle ever really end? can you change a circle path? and a circle always passes the same points again and again. Thats its nature, it never ends. I see trouble in my path, I myself have watched a precious member of my family taken from me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was horrible, I will not lose my precious son to the ages of nothing and the silly reasoning of a pervese generation.

I sit here now looking to the mountains, a permanent monument to the east, always bordering Albuquerque. Its "where the sidewalk ends" so they say. I have heard tell that on the other side of the mountain is a cliff, that all people who drive away on the other side of the mountain fall off and never come back. I hope she finds what she wants and I hope to be able to grow old with my son...