(This is a true story, at least I'm pretty sure its a true story)
( In a coupla weeks I get to go on a Ghost hunt tour of the Stanley Hotel and to celebrate the occasion I'm sharing with you the story of the first and only time I have ever seen a ghost or at least a reasonable facsimile. I hope you like it.)
If you even kinda look at this page when I make you look at it by shoving my phone/iPod in your face you would know I love ghosts and spookables. You would also know that it wasn't always that way.
Back when I was a midget I was like all the other midgets. Scared to death of anything ghost/monster related. I remember closing my eyes when a horror movie commercial came on the T.v. and being terrified. I seem to recall once closing and covering my eyes and still was able to see the scarey stuff. How I became "unscared" is a story for another day.
The incident in question had occurred many, many, many, many, many moons ago. My family lived with a sect of our extended family known as the "Oz". I'm really not sure how they got that name but I do know I spent most of my younger days lurking about and gettin in trouble with my cousin Mike. Our two families resided together in a little house located in Oceanside,Ca. I've heard tell that the little house still stands to this day but as of a few years ago, is no longer in control by anyone in this family.
Well there were about 7 kids in the house at that time and like any struggling family of the day our grandmother governed us. We had three places in which we were allowed to play per "Cha-Cha's" rules. One was the front/back yard, two was the living room and lastly when Cha-Cha has had enough of us was the Garage. On occasion our Grandmother would allow us to play in the garage and she would open the garage door letting in sunshine and air. On those days it was really nice to play in the garage that way, kinda like being outside and inside at the same time.
I remember on that day all the kids were playing in the garage with the door open. All of the Oz and my older sister were doing what kids do together in a garage. I do not recall why I was not included or out with them.
I do remember walking down the hall toward the living/T.v room. I had stopped in the room, I cannot remember if the T.v. was on. Mike had just walked in to from the garage and looked to be excited and in a hurry. He saw me standing there and ran up to me and grabbed me by the left shoulder and wrist.
" Hey! come into the garage, there's a ghost outside!" he exclaimed.
I responded with " There's a ghost outside? where?"
"In the garage! Come look!"
and with that he dragged me to the garage.
All the kids were in a group towards the back half of the room looking across the street pointing. My cousin Belle moved to me and said...
"Its across the street, can't you see it?"
I looked and to be honest I could not.
Mike then came up and said.
" Its by the clothes line."
The house across the street had a square, revolving clothesline in the front yard. I looked and looked with all the kids getting more and more excited. They all began clustering around me pointing.
Finally I saw it. I saw a ghost white shaggy haired, Scottish terrier walking in front of the Clothesline, sniffing the ground.
" I see him!" I shouted, pointing at the dog..." I see him!!!"
We were all pointing now at the dog. The dog still sniffing the ground seemed to hear us and looked up at us, staring with coal black eyes. All of a sudden it leaped up into the air and morphed into what you think a ghost should look like. It changed into a waving, "sheet" looking phantom. Upon seeing this transformation all of us began jumping up and down, yelling and screaming, still pointing at the ghost.
Cha-Cha had heard all the commotion and came running into the garage. I remember she had a large kitchen knife in her hand. She stopped, looked at us and then looked in the direction we were all pointing. I remember her expression changing from her usual mean look to a look that to this day perplexes me...she had a expression of surprise and for the first and only time in my life I saw fear in the face of my legendary Grandmother.
She shook it off , put the knife in her other hand, strode up to the door, reached out and pulled it closed. After ensuring it was closed and locked she returned to her kitchen. All the children settled down and broke down into the usual groups, girls and boys, with Mike and myself often got Belle, as we were the "Not old enough to go to school kids " and both groups talked excitedly about the incident...
I have no memory of what happened following the incident.
I do recall my Mother and her Boyfriend (My Father) coming home and picking up my sister and me and taking us shopping at a food store called " Food basket". It was a cool store, R2-D2 was once there and he rolled right up to me and beeped, pretty cool right! Any way, I remember being seated in the child seat of the wire basket, trying to tell my Mother about what we had seen and she told me to tell my Father. So there I was a young, frustrated child trying to explain to a young Marine that we had seen a ghost and he was giving me "Non-believing patience". After several attempts to explain he finally cut me off with this...
"You think you saw..."
The classic coup-de-graw of parents telling you that you didn't see and thus ending any hope of convincing. I was cool with it, frankly I was tired of trying to convince this "jarhead" what I had witnessed and gave up. I never saw that ghost again...
I used to tell that story every now and again. Mostly I told it at an occasional Halloween get togethers. I can't honestly say I have seen a text book ghost since then. I still have the footage in my mind of what I saw that day. I'm not to sure that any of the Oz or my sister remember that incident.
(Well kids, usually there's a moral or two that I place here but not today. Today's story is just a memory that I have had since my childhood. My friend, call sign Red 1 Actual once told me that she likes the stories as they tell her about me. So here's just a look into the past of a Hero spelled with a capital "Z"...thanks for reading.)
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