Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anybohdy lives

Hello all,

Many years ago in my little slightly demented, definitely confused mind a spark was born. With enough determination and encouragment the "Projects" was born. Anybohdy Projects was a rouge,underdog of a Skatecrew/Video production company. the Projects and me had a lot of fun over those years.

With what had once started in my mind it has again returned. No video projects to do, no skate crew to film or do stunts. Once again Anybohdy is me. Its my thoughts and my ideas, nothing short of the quests and chronicles of a hero with a capital Z. I had promised that we would return and here it is.

I know there are people here who blog well, witty, amusing and sometimes cruel. I cant promise all of that. What I can promise is my thoughts and expiriences. I can hope you enjoy, but the reality is that this is the PROJECTS.

To the team riders/employees of old..."AnyBohdy Lives!!"

to you the reader, "Here we are."


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